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How to enable location store user to update the location store hours with custom UI Component

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Author: Randy Chan

Published: 06-03-2025

15 min read




Since we will be using the

mutation to update location->openingSchdule, we can write a custom UI Component that can display the opening schedule on the UI to allow users to update the opening schedule details.

Here is the list of actions to implement the feature:

  • Determine if it is feasible via web app and GraphQL.
  • Check and add new permissions for the user.
  • Add a reference route in setting:
  • Create a new manifest:
    to view and enable user mutation action
  • Create an
    Component that maps to the new manifest

By looking at the GraphQL docs, updateLocation mutation can update the openingSchedule. 

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Next, I knew we need

permissions so I create a new Role:

1POST {{fluentApiHost}}/graphql
5mutation createStoreRole {
6    createRole (
7        input: {
8            name: "STORE_LOCATION_HOUR",
9            permissions: [
10                { name: "LOCATION_VIEW" },
11                { name: "LOCATION_UPDATE" },
12                { name: "OPENINGSCHEDULE_VIEW" },
13                { name: "OPENINGSCHEDULE_UPDATE" }
14            ]
15        }
16    ) {
17        id
18        name
19    }

Language: json

Name: mutation createRole


[Warning: empty required content area]

Once the new role is created, assign the new role to my store manager by using


1POST: {{fluentApiHost}}/graphql
3GraphQL Variables:
5  "input": {
6    "id": {{userId}},
7    "ref": "{{userRef}}",
8    "roles": [
9    {
10        "contexts": [
11            {
12                "contextId": "{{retailerID}",
13                "contextType": "RETAILER"
14            },
15                        {
16                "contextId": "{{LocationID}}",
17                "contextType": "AGENT"
18            }
19        ],
20        "role": {
21            "name": "STORE_LOCATION_HOUR"
22        }
23    }
24    ]
25  }
29mutation updateUser ($input: UpdateUserInput) {
30    updateUser (input: $input) {
31        id
32        ref
33        username
34        title
35        firstName
36        lastName
37        primaryEmail
38        primaryPhone
39        type
40        status
41        department
42        country
43        timezone
44        promotionOptIn
45        createdOn
46        updatedOn
47        roles{
48            contexts{
49                contextId
50                contextType
51            }
52            role{
53                name
54            }
55        }
56    }

Language: json

Name: updateUser with a new role


[Warning: empty required content area]

Next, add the manifest reference link that you are about to create in the store setting:


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2    "type": "reference",
3    "settingName": "fc.mystique.manifest.store.fragment.storelocation"

Language: json

Name: Add manifest reference


reference snippet to


Create a new manifest setting which going to display the location details and


Name: fc.mystique.manifest.store.fragment.storelocation

Context: ACCOUNT

Context ID: 0

Value Type: JSON

JSON Value:

2    "manifestVersion": "2.0",
3    "routes": [
4        {
5            "roles": [
6                "STORE_LOCATION_HOUR"
7            ],
8            "path": "storelocation",
9            "type": "page",
10            "component": "fc.page",
11            "nav": {
12                "label": "Location Details",
13                "icon": "person"
14            },
15            "data": {
16                "query": "query locations($id: ID!, $contextId: [Int!], $networks_first: Int, $storageAreas_first: Int) {\n  locationById(id: $id) {\n    id\n    name\n    ref\n    type\n    status\n    supportPhoneNumber\n  attributes{name value}   primaryAddress {\n      id\n      latitude\n      longitude\n      state\n      city\n      street\n      postcode\n      country\n      timeZone\n    }\n    openingSchedule {\n      allHours\n      monEnd\n      monStart\n      tueEnd\n      tueStart\n      wedEnd\n      wedStart\n      thuEnd\n      thuStart\n      friEnd\n      friStart\n      satEnd\n      satStart\n      sunEnd\n      sunStart\n    }\n    networks(first: $networks_first) {\n      edges {\n        node {\n          id\n          ref\n          type\n          status\n        }\n      }\n    }\n    storageAreas(first: $storageAreas_first) {\n      edges {\n        node {\n          id\n          name\n          status\n          type\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n  settings(\n    name: \"PICK_N_PACK_TIME_LIMIT\"\n    context: \"AGENT\"\n    contextId: $contextId\n  ) {\n    edges {\n      node {\n        id\n        name\n        valueType\n        value\n        contextId\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}",
17                "variables": {
18                    "id": "{{activeLocation.id}}",
19                    "contextId": "{{activeLocation.id}}",
20                    "storageAreas_first": 100,
21                    "networks_first": 100
22                }
23            },
24            "props": {
25                "title": "Locations {{locationById.ref}}",
26                "actions": {
27                    "primary": [
28                        {
29                            "roles": [
30                                "STORE_LOCATION_HOUR"
31                            ],
32                            "type": "mutation",
33                            "label": "Update Location Hours",
34                            "name": "updateLocation",
35                            "args": {
36                                "id": "{{locationById.id}}"
37                            },
38                            "overrides": {
39                                "openingSchedule": {
40                                    "component": "OpeningSchedule"
41                                }
42                            },
43                            "filter": {
44                                "type": "exclude",
45                                "names": [
46                                    "type",
47                                    "status",
48                                    "defaultCarrier",
49                                    "name",
50                                    "networks",
51                                    "primaryAddress",
52                                    "retailer",
53                                    "storageAreas",
54                                    "supportPhoneNumber",
55                                    "attributes"
56                                ]
57                            }
58                        },
59                        {
60                            "type": "userAction",
61                            "name": "CreateWaveByUserSelection",
62                            "condition": "{{and false}}"
63                        },
64                        {
65                            "type": "userAction",
66                            "name": "CreateWaveByExpiry",
67                            "condition": "{{and false}}"
68                        }
69                    ]
70                }
71            },
72            "descendants": [
73                {
74                    "component": "fc.card.attribute",
75                    "props": {
76                        "title": "i18n:fc.stores.allLocations.detail.card.details.title",
77                        "width": "half",
78                        "dataSource": "locationById",
79                        "attributes": [
80                            {
81                                "label": "i18n:fc.stores.allLocations.detail.card.details.attribute.locationRef.label",
82                                "template": "{{ref}}"
83                            },
84                            {
85                                "label": "i18n:fc.stores.allLocations.detail.card.details.attribute.name.label",
86                                "template": "{{name}}"
87                            },
88                            {
89                                "label": "i18n:fc.stores.allLocations.detail.card.details.attribute.phone.label",
90                                "template": "{{supportPhoneNumber}}"
91                            },
92                            {
93                                "label": "i18n:fc.stores.allLocations.detail.card.details.attribute.address.label",
94                                "template": "{{primaryAddress.street}}"
95                            },
96                            {
97                                "label": "",
98                                "template": "{{primaryAddress.city}}"
99                            },
100                            {
101                                "label": "",
102                                "template": "{{primaryAddress.state}}"
103                            },
104                            {
105                                "label": "",
106                                "template": "{{primaryAddress.postcode}}"
107                            },
108                            {
109                                "label": "",
110                                "template": "{{primaryAddress.country}}"
111                            },
112                            {
113                                "label": "i18n:fc.stores.allLocations.detail.card.details.attribute.latitude.label",
114                                "template": "{{primaryAddress.latitude}}"
115                            },
116                            {
117                                "label": "i18n:fc.stores.allLocations.detail.card.details.attribute.longitude.label",
118                                "template": "{{primaryAddress.longitude}}"
119                            },
120                            {
121                                "label": "i18n:fc.stores.allLocations.detail.card.details.attribute.timezone.label",
122                                "template": "{{primaryAddress.timeZone}}"
123                            }
124                        ]
125                    }
126                },
127                {
128                    "component": "fc.card.attribute",
129                    "props": {
130                        "title": "i18n:fc.stores.allLocations.detail.card.openingHours.title",
131                        "width": "half",
132                        "dataSource": "locationById",
133                        "attributes": [
134                            {
135                                "label": "i18n:fc.stores.allLocations.detail.card.openingHours.attribute.open24Hours?.label",
136                                "template": "{{openingSchedule.allHours}}"
137                            },
138                            {
139                                "label": "i18n:fc.stores.allLocations.detail.card.openingHours.attribute.monday.label",
140                                "template": "{{openingSchedule.monStart}}  to {{openingSchedule.monEnd}}"
141                            },
142                            {
143                                "label": "i18n:fc.stores.allLocations.detail.card.openingHours.attribute.tuesday.label",
144                                "template": "{{openingSchedule.tueStart}}  to {{openingSchedule.tueEnd}}"
145                            },
146                            {
147                                "label": "i18n:fc.stores.allLocations.detail.card.openingHours.attribute.wednesday.label",
148                                "template": "{{openingSchedule.wedStart}}  to {{openingSchedule.wedEnd}}"
149                            },
150                            {
151                                "label": "i18n:fc.stores.allLocations.detail.card.openingHours.attribute.thursday.label",
152                                "template": "{{openingSchedule.thuStart}}  to {{openingSchedule.thuEnd}}"
153                            },
154                            {
155                                "label": "i18n:fc.stores.allLocations.detail.card.openingHours.attribute.friday.label",
156                                "template": "{{openingSchedule.friStart}}  to {{openingSchedule.friEnd}}"
157                            },
158                            {
159                                "label": "i18n:fc.stores.allLocations.detail.card.openingHours.attribute.saturday.label",
160                                "template": "{{openingSchedule.satStart}}  to {{openingSchedule.satEnd}}"
161                            },
162                            {
163                                "label": "i18n:fc.stores.allLocations.detail.card.openingHours.attribute.sunday.label",
164                                "template": "{{openingSchedule.sunStart}}  to {{openingSchedule.sunEnd}}"
165                            }
166                        ]
167                    }
168                }
169            ]
170        }
171    ]

Language: json

Name: fc.mystique.manifest.store.fragment.storelocation - blank page



I have added             

`"roles": [`

`                "STORE_LOCATION_HOUR"`

`            ],`

In the route section, only users who have the STORE_LOCATION_HOUR can see this page.

In the actions -> primary section,  I have included an override, which will call the OpeningSchedule component (which we will create in the next step).

Open fluent STORE and navigate to the location detail screen:

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The default update location mutation does provide a high-level UI for updating the opening schedule. However, I want more control over the UI field display, so I will write a custom component.

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Open up the component SDK and create a new file:


1import { FC } from 'react';
2import { FieldRegistry, FormFieldProps } from 'mystique/registry/FieldRegistry';
3import { useI18n } from 'mystique/hooks/useI18n';
4import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
5import { FormControl } from '@material-ui/core';
7export interface OpeningSchedule {
8  id: string | number;
9  allHours?: boolean;
10  monStart: number;
11  monEnd: number;
12  tueStart: number;
13  tueEnd: number;
14  wedStart: number;
15  wedEnd: number;
16  thuStart: number;
17  thuEnd: number;
18  friStart: number;
19  friEnd: number;
20  satStart: number;
21  satEnd: number;
22  sunStart: number;
23  sunEnd: number;
26interface LocationSchedulePayload {
27  openingSchedule: OpeningSchedule | null;
30export const OpeningSchedule: FC<FormFieldProps<LocationSchedulePayload>> = (
31  props,
32  entityContext
33) => {
34  const [openingSchedule] = useState<OpeningSchedule>(props.value);
35  const [allHours, setallHours] = useState<OpeningSchedule['allHours']>(
36    props.value.allHours
37  );
39  const [monStart, setmonStart] = useState<OpeningSchedule['monStart']>(
40    props.value.monStart
41  );
42  const [monEnd, setmonEnd] = useState<OpeningSchedule['monEnd']>(
43    props.value.monEnd
44  );
45  const [tueStart, settueStart] = useState<OpeningSchedule['tueStart']>(
46    props.value.tueStart
47  );
48  const [tueEnd, settueEnd] = useState<OpeningSchedule['tueEnd']>(
49    props.value.tueEnd
50  );
51  const [wedStart, setwedStart] = useState<OpeningSchedule['wedStart']>(
52    props.value.wedStart
53  );
54  const [wedEnd, setwedEnd] = useState<OpeningSchedule['wedEnd']>(
55    props.value.wedEnd
56  );
57  const [thuStart, setthuStart] = useState<OpeningSchedule['thuStart']>(
58    props.value.thuStart
59  );
60  const [thuEnd, setthuEnd] = useState<OpeningSchedule['thuEnd']>(
61    props.value.thuEnd
62  );
63  const [friStart, setfriStart] = useState<OpeningSchedule['friStart']>(
64    props.value.friStart
65  );
66  const [friEnd, setfriEnd] = useState<OpeningSchedule['friEnd']>(
67    props.value.friEnd
68  );
69  const [satStart, setsatStart] = useState<OpeningSchedule['satStart']>(
70    props.value.satStart
71  );
72  const [satEnd, setsatEnd] = useState<OpeningSchedule['satEnd']>(
73    props.value.satEnd
74  );
75  const [sunStart, setsunStart] = useState<OpeningSchedule['sunStart']>(
76    props.value.sunStart
77  );
78  const [sunEnd, setsunEnd] = useState<OpeningSchedule['sunEnd']>(
79    props.value.sunEnd
80  );
82  const QuantitySelector = FieldRegistry.get<number>('number');
83  const BooleanSelector = FieldRegistry.get<boolean>('boolean');
85  const { translate, translateOr } = useI18n();
87  useEffect(() => {
88    openingSchedule.allHours = allHours;
89    openingSchedule.monStart = monStart;
90    openingSchedule.monEnd = monEnd;
91    openingSchedule.tueStart = tueStart;
92    openingSchedule.tueEnd = tueEnd;
93    openingSchedule.wedStart = wedStart;
94    openingSchedule.wedEnd = wedEnd;
95    openingSchedule.thuStart = thuStart;
96    openingSchedule.thuEnd = thuEnd;
97    openingSchedule.friStart = friStart;
98    openingSchedule.friEnd = friEnd;
99    openingSchedule.satStart = satStart;
100    openingSchedule.satEnd = satEnd;
101    openingSchedule.sunStart = sunStart;
102    openingSchedule.sunEnd = sunEnd;
103    props.onChange(openingSchedule);
104  }, [
105    allHours,
106    monStart,
107    monEnd,
108    tueStart,
109    tueEnd,
110    wedStart,
111    wedEnd,
112    thuStart,
113    thuEnd,
114    friStart,
115    friEnd,
116    satStart,
117    satEnd,
118    sunStart,
119    sunEnd,
120  ]);
122  return (
123    <div>
124      <div>
125        <BooleanSelector
126          name='allHours'
127          value={props.value.allHours}
128          label={translateOr([
129            'fc.openingSchedule.allHours.subLabel',
130            'all Hours',
131          ])}
132          onChange={(v) => setallHours(v)}
133        />
134      </div>
135      <FormControl component='fieldset' style={{ width: '100%' }}>
136        <div>
137          <QuantitySelector
138            name='monStart'
139            value={props.value.monStart}
140            label={translateOr([
141              'fc.openingSchedule.monStart.subLabel',
142              'Monday Start',
143            ])}
144            onChange={(v) => setmonStart(v)}
145          />
146        </div>
147      </FormControl>
148      <div>
149        <QuantitySelector
150          name='monEnd'
151          value={props.value.monEnd}
152          label={translateOr([
153            'fc.openingSchedule.monEnd.subLabel',
154            'Monday End',
155          ])}
156          onChange={(v) => setmonEnd(v)}
157        />
158      </div>
159      <div>
160        <QuantitySelector
161          name='tueStart'
162          value={props.value.tueStart}
163          label={translateOr([
164            'fc.openingSchedule.tueStart.subLabel',
165            'Tuesday Start',
166          ])}
167          onChange={(v) => settueStart(v)}
168        />
169      </div>
170      <div>
171        <QuantitySelector
172          name='tueEnd'
173          value={props.value.tueEnd}
174          label={translateOr([
175            'fc.openingSchedule.tueEnd.subLabel',
176            'Tuesday End',
177          ])}
178          onChange={(v) => settueEnd(v)}
179        />
180      </div>
181      <div>
182        <QuantitySelector
183          name='wedStart'
184          value={props.value.wedStart}
185          label={translateOr([
186            'fc.openingSchedule.wedStart.subLabel',
187            'Wednesday Start',
188          ])}
189          onChange={(v) => setwedStart(v)}
190        />
191      </div>
192      <div>
193        <QuantitySelector
194          name='wedEnd'
195          value={props.value.wedEnd}
196          label={translateOr([
197            'fc.openingSchedule.wedEnd.subLabel',
198            'Wesnesday End',
199          ])}
200          onChange={(v) => setwedEnd(v)}
201        />
202      </div>
203      <div>
204        <QuantitySelector
205          name='thuStart'
206          value={props.value.thuStart}
207          label={translateOr([
208            'fc.openingSchedule.thuStart.subLabel',
209            'Thursday Start',
210          ])}
211          onChange={(v) => setthuStart(v)}
212        />
213      </div>
214      <div>
215        <QuantitySelector
216          name='thuEnd'
217          value={props.value.thuEnd}
218          label={translateOr([
219            'fc.openingSchedule.thuEnd.subLabel',
220            'Thursday End',
221          ])}
222          onChange={(v) => setthuEnd(v)}
223        />
224      </div>
225      <div>
226        <QuantitySelector
227          name='friStart'
228          value={props.value.friStart}
229          label={translateOr([
230            'fc.openingSchedule.friStart.subLabel',
231            'Friday Start',
232          ])}
233          onChange={(v) => setfriStart(v)}
234        />
235      </div>
236      <div>
237        <QuantitySelector
238          name='friEnd'
239          value={props.value.friEnd}
240          label={translateOr([
241            'fc.openingSchedule.friEnd.subLabel',
242            'Friday End',
243          ])}
244          onChange={(v) => setfriEnd(v)}
245        />
246      </div>
247      <div>
248        <QuantitySelector
249          name='satStart'
250          value={props.value.satStart}
251          label={translateOr([
252            'fc.openingSchedule.satStart.subLabel',
253            'Saturday Start',
254          ])}
255          onChange={(v) => setsatStart(v)}
256        />
257      </div>
258      <div>
259        <QuantitySelector
260          name='satEnd'
261          value={props.value.satEnd}
262          label={translateOr([
263            'fc.openingSchedule.satEnd.subLabel',
264            'Saturday End',
265          ])}
266          onChange={(v) => setsatEnd(v)}
267        />
268      </div>
269      <div>
270        <QuantitySelector
271          name='sunStart'
272          value={props.value.sunStart}
273          label={translateOr([
274            'fc.openingSchedule.sunStart.subLabel',
275            'Sunday Start',
276          ])}
277          onChange={(v) => setsunStart(v)}
278        />
279      </div>
280      <div>
281        <QuantitySelector
282          name='sunEnd'
283          value={props.value.sunEnd}
284          label={translateOr([
285            'fc.openingSchedule.sunEnd.subLabel',
286            'Sunday End',
287          ])}
288          onChange={(v) => setsunEnd(v)}
289        />
290      </div>
291    </div>
292  );

Language: tsx

Name: OpeningSchedule.tsx


[Warning: empty required content area]

Add the following code snippet to


1import { OpeningSchedule } from './fields/location/OpeningSchedule';
3FieldRegistry.register(['OpeningSchedule'], OpeningSchedule);

Language: tsx

Name: register new field in index.tsx


register a new field in index.tsx

Once all saved. Spin up yarn start, refresh the fluent STORE browser, and the new component should be displayed:

No alt provided

Now, the store user can update the location opening schedule hours via UI.


Randy Chan

Randy Chan

Fluent Commerce - Expert Services

Disclaimer: All information and resources found on community.fluentcommerce.com are based on the opinions of the author (unless otherwise noted). All information is intended to inspire and motivate well thought through technical decisions inline with Fluent Commerce recommended practices and principles.

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